life graph template

this exercise will help you reflect on the life experiences that have shaped your life-view, and in turn, how your life-view and beliefs have shaped your life experiences. using a blank piece of paper or (ideally) a blank sheet of flipchart paper, draw a line graph that captures the high and low points of your life from birth to present day.  starting at the left-hand side of the sheet, which represents “birth” (a neutral event), graph the life events and experiences that impacted you: once you’ve completed your life map, reflect on the various “ups” and “downs” of your life path thus far.  then answer the questions below, taking as much time and space as you feel inspired if you are a new or aspiring leader or business owner you will discover those things that energize you, learn from others who have walked your path, and gain a framework to focus on the things that you most want to accomplish.

life graph format

a life graph sample is a type of document that creates a copy of itself when you open it. The doc or excel template has all of the design and format of the life graph sample, such as logos and tables, but you can modify content without altering the original style. When designing life graph form, you may add related information such as life graph template,life graph maker,life graph example,life graph activity,my life graph

when designing life graph example, it is important to consider related questions or ideas, what is a life graph? how do you plot life?, life graph quotes,life graph pdf,life graph counselling

when designing the life graph document, it is also essential to consider the different formats such as Word, pdf, Excel, ppt, doc etc, you may also add related information such as

life graph guide

most of the time, when we look at graphs, we like to observe the relation between time and money, specifically we like to see that our money grows over time. graph 1: before the age of 20, you’ll spend a lot of time with a lot of ‘friends’. graph 2: after the age of 20, you’ll only spend a small amount of time with your family and parents before the end of their or your life. graph 4: if you’re a parent, you’ll spend the most time with your children between the age of 25 and 50, after that you won’t see them often.

#3 – a huge amount of time will be spent with the people you work with, so you have to make sure you work with people you love. #5 – who you choose to be your romantic partner is one of the most important life decisions you will ever make, choose wisely, don’t settle. i hope that we can all reflect on this, as use these insights to look into how we spend our time. so, let’s spend it well.. spend more time with those that you love the most, because one of these days, you’ll either say “i wish i had” or “i’m so glad i did”.